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What is Chiropractic?

The brain communicates with the body via the spinal cord and nerves; these structures makeup the central nervous system and are protected by the skull and spine.


Misalignments between the bones of the spine, the skull, and the pelvis, affect the function of the spinal cord and nerves by adding pressure or rotation. This affects all the body’s organs and systems by pinching and/or stimulating nerves, interrupting the transmission of signals between the body and the brain.


The body has an innate ability to get and stay healthy, or well; chiropractic helps the body to maintain, or return to, the state of wellness by correcting any misalignment, which occurs naturally from daily activity.

Wellness Care

Every cell and system is your body is controlled by the nervous system, which is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. All of our nerves originate from the brain and spinal cord, and are what allows all our organs to function and communicate with our brain.


Your spine protects your nervous system, but what happens when your spine has misalignments that cause pressure on the nerves that control your body? You can develop symptoms such as headaches, back pain, allergies, reflux, etc. Misalignments are caused by daily activity, posture, trauma, and even the foods we eat that cause inflammation.  Luckily, chiropractors spend years of education learning how to realign these misalignments, relieving the pressure on nerves and allowing your body to function fully once again.


The body has an innate ability to get and stay healthy, or well; chiropractic helps the body to maintain, or return to, the state of wellness by correcting any misalignment, which occurs naturally from daily activity. Feel free to call and ask any questions that you may have.

Neck and Back Pain

It is estimated that approximately 80% of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. For many, that pain can be chronic. In fact, back pain is the number one cause of disability in the United States. It is also the condition that chiropractors treat most often.


Injuries, stress, and medications are some of the most popular causes of neck and back pain. The spine is very complex and must be able to adapt to stress and movement. Damage or irritation to tendons, ligaments, discs, and muscles will result in pain.


Sometimes it is a trauma, such as a car crash, that causes the injury and pain. Other times, it is minor repetitive stress injuries (such as poor posture while typing, texting, driving, painting, sleeping, etc.) that cause pain by causing misalignments in the spine, putting pressure on nerves.


Sometimes people hope that if they wait long enough, their pain will go away. In some cases, it probably will, but the misalignment that caused the problem is still there. Over time the pain will return. In addition, misalignments that remain for long periods of time will lead to degeneration and can cause more serious problems later in life.


Back and neck pain is common, but it is certainly not normal. Fortunately, our team at Wiseman Family Chiropractic has years of education and experience to determine the correct diagnosis and treatment. Feel free to call and ask any questions that you may have.

Sciatica and Disc Herniation

Sciatica is pain, tingling, numbness, and/or weakness originating in the low back and traveling down the leg. Sometimes the symptoms travel only to the buttock, but can be as far reaching as the ankle and foot. Sciatica can be constant or can come and go throughout the day and night.


Sciatic issues usually begin in the pelvic and lumbar spine. Pain is usually the last symptom to appear when a problem is present. Most people who develop sciatica or back pain say that it starts when they do something as simple as bending over to pick up a piece of paper. The reality is that their condition has probably been developing over a period of years, and picking up the paper is simply the last straw.


Some people report that the pain will disappear on its own over time, but it is important to know that the misalignment that caused the problem is still there. Over time the symptoms will return and the misalignments will cause more serious problems, such as degeneration or disc herniation.


Disc herniation can cause intense stabbing pains that sometimes travel down the leg. The reason for this is that damaged discs can irritate nerves by putting abnormal pressure on them. Discs are like jelly donuts, with a soft middle surrounded by an outer edge. The outer edge of the disc can become damaged, usually from wear and tear, poor posture, or spinal misalignment, and can allow the middle of the disc (the jelly) to leak out and put pressure on surrounding structures, including nerves. Chiropractic care has been shown to be successful at providing relief and realigning the spine to allow the disc to heal.


While the length of time that it takes to recover from a problem like sciatica or disc herniation varies from person to person, and usually depends on the condition of the person’s spine, the good news is that it typically takes less time to correct than it took to create. Call Wiseman Family Chiropractic today to set up an appointment and begin the treatment you need

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